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Freeze-dried meals
Dessert lyophilisé - MX3 Nutrition

Source of protein

Freeze-dried chocolate flavour cream


Free-range chicken from Challans and freeze-dried vegetables plat lyophilisé poulet de challans en pleine mer

High protein

Free-range chicken from Challans and freeze-dried vegetables


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Grande Traversée du Mercantour : 16 jours en totale autonomie

Grande Traversée du Mercantour: 16 days in total autonomy

In July 2017, Flavien HILLAT and Vincent LAVROV walked the 223 km (D+ 13000) of the Grande Traversée du Mercantour (GTM) on foot and in complete autonomy. They made their first film there…

"It was at the end of a hike towards Mount Pépoiri that the idea came to us: Why not more? Why not further? And our answer was this beautiful adventure that we shared in this magnificent Mercantour massif."

What preparation for the Great Mercantour Crossing?

"When it came to autonomy in the mountains and long-distance hiking, we knew nothing about it. We had to be ready for departure in 8 months and we had identified everything that could make us fail: To achieve this, we needed a lot of physical training, one or two outings per week on various hikes covering different types of terrain, always with our backpacks loaded with between 10 and 14 kg. We also needed to sleep well and eat well in order to have the energy necessary for this adventure."

Flavien and Vincent therefore opt for MX3 freeze-dried meals, MX3 energy bars and energy drink pods which they will dilute in their water bags.

  • 1 muesli in the morning
  • 2 meals (1 lunch, 1 dinner)
  • 1 bar per day (snack!)
  • Energy drink throughout the day

How did the adventure take place?

Our two hikers, who left with 15.5 kg on their backs for 16 days of total autonomy in the mountains, took their bivouac equipment, image and sound recording equipment, a t-shirt, boxers and a change of socks, a fleece and rainwear, a solar panel, batteries and a ukulele, essential survival companions and finally 16 days of freeze-dried meals, energy bars and MX3 energy drink. On average each day, the 100% MX3 diet will provide 1875 Kcal to our adventurers, which represents 82% of their daily energy needs. So, did they suffer from a lack of energy?

"NOT ONCE! Everything went wonderfully well! The fatigue made itself felt much later than expected. We were almost never traumatized by the efforts of the day before. When the slumps came, we only had to take a break and enjoy an MX3 bar as a treat, sometimes only a few sips of energy drink were enough and we didn't even stop. Only the arrival was very difficult, that moment when you see Menton and its beaches, when you know that there are only a few km left, then all the pains wake up. Of course we quickly forget! Because once we arrive, all that remains is great pride and immense pleasure!"

Want to go again?

"Of course!" Vincent tells us, "this is only the beginning" retorts Flavien! The next challenge for our novices will be to climb Mont Blanc while being as autonomous as possible! They will spend 8 days on the Mont Blanc massif to make their new film: "Eternal Snow". They will try to provide answers to the frenzy that Alpine climbs cause for some mountaineers, in a fraternal atmosphere carried by the captivating high mountain landscape of the highest peak in Europe!

"Our love of nature, of these grandiose spaces that are sometimes almost inaccessible, will soon take us to Mont Blanc, but also to the African continent! The enthusiasm for our project, for our film, galvanizes our motivation! We are dreamers, and we want you to dream with us!"

Crossing the Mercantour with MX3 freeze-dried meals

We recommend you

Optimize your physical and cognitive performance thanks to our premium nutritional solutions
  • Barre protéinée - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition

    Source of protein


    Chocolate - Hazelnut protein bar (test)



  • Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition



    Spicy Cashew Protein Bar



  • Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

    Vitamin B1


    Strawberry Basil energy bar



  • Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

    Vitamin B1


    Honey Almond energy bar



Barre protéinée - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition

Source of protein


Chocolate - Hazelnut protein bar (test)



Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition



Spicy Cashew Protein Bar



Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

Vitamin B1


Strawberry Basil energy bar



Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

Vitamin B1


Honey Almond energy bar


