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Freeze-dried meals
Dessert lyophilisé - MX3 Nutrition

Source of protein

Freeze-dried chocolate flavour cream


Free-range chicken from Challans and freeze-dried vegetables plat lyophilisé poulet de challans en pleine mer

High protein

Free-range chicken from Challans and freeze-dried vegetables


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Sport Nutrition Packs and Portions Bons plans

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For more than 25 years, MX3 has built a powerful DNA around outdoor sports with a single promise: to optimize physical performance and
cognitive skills of athletes in extreme...

En savoir +
musculation alimentation
4 min reading
Bodybuilding: everything you need to know about cutting
Only one month left until summer! If you haven't already, it's time to start your dryer For display prominent and defined muscles on the beach....
prise de masse alimentation
3 min reading
How to successfully gain weight in winter?
For many bodybuilding enthusiasts, the winter period is associated with gaining muscle mass. How can you achieve optimal muscle mass gain...
recuperation musculaire
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Muscle recovery: what to do?
Whether you are getting back into sport or are already a regular athlete, it is important to keep in mind that...
Gel energetique
3 min reading
Sports energy gels, energy in a tube
The consumption of energy gels in the sports world is very widespread. They owe their success mainly to their composition (carbohydrates...
barre proteinee course des geants la plagne
3 min reading
6000D: how to tame the race of giants?
Are you preparing for the 6000D? So are we! This year again, MX3 is the nutrition partner of the famous giant...
Grand raid de la reunion
3 min reading
Nutrition plan for the Diagonale des Fous
164 km and 9,917 m of positive elevation gain, this is what awaits the "crazy" people who will participate in the...
stress oxydatif
2 min reading
Athletes, protect yourself from oxidative stress
Have you ever heard of oxidative stress ? This mechanism, often unknown or underestimated by athletes, should not be taken lightly....
L'Équilibre dans le Sport : Harmoniser le Corps, l'Esprit et la Performance
2 min reading
Balance in Sport: Harmonizing Body, Mind and Performance
Finding balance between body, mind and performance In the quest for exceptional athletic performance, it is crucial to recognize the importance...
Les bienfaits thérapeutiques de la randonnée en montagne : comment la nature peut guérir le corps et l'esprit
2 min reading
The Therapeutic Benefits of Mountain Hiking: How Nature Can Heal the Body and Mind
The therapeutic benefits of mountain hiking Natural therapy for body and mind Hiking in the mountains offers more than just physical...
Expédition En Norvège
2 min reading
Shipping To Norway
Discovering Norway's cultural richness: beyond the snowy landscapes of Hardangervidda" Far from the beaten path in Norway’s Hardangervidda National Park, this...
À la découverte des sentiers cachés et des panoramas époustouflants du Chili
2 min reading
Discovering Chile's hidden trails and breathtaking panoramas
Torres del Plain National Park Torres del Paine National Park, located in the heart of Chilean Patagonia, is a must-see hiking...
Expédition En Norvège : 6 Jours De Ski Et Pulka En Autonomie Complète
2 min reading
Expedition to Norway: 6 Days of Skiing and Pulka in Complete Autonomy
Last March, seven European explorers undertook a ski and pulka expedition in Hardangervidda National Park in Norway. Their goal is to...

Products created with ultra sport science

The strength of MX3 ? Total control of the creative process , from formulation to manufacturing of products on its Vendée site in Les Sables d'Olonne . With an internalized R&D unit, the brand relies on experts in nutrition science as well as sports medicine to design premium nutritional solutions , as close as possible to the needs of athletes.

In 2022, a partnership will be created with Ultra Sport Science , a foundation leading research programs on pathologies linked to ultra endurance sports .

USS conducts scientific studies as close as possible to athletes, with the aim of helping them prepare and surpass themselves in complete safety. MX3 and USS then look at the gastrointestinal symptoms encountered during competitions and combine their knowledge in the development of MX3 Endurance , a range of energy and recovery bars and drinks, easily assimilated by the body during a intense effort.